Sealing of hidden tunnel on US-Mexico border

Mexican authorities are now planning in sealing an unknown tunnel while it connects Ciudad Juarez, Mexico, to El Paso, Texas. This discovery has found out that the tunnel had been used for smuggling migrants and contraband.

Sealing of hidden tunnel on US-Mexico border

Stretching over 300 meters long, the reported tunnel has been operating with a storm sewer system for more than a year. This shows how far smugglers go just to avoid border security.


The tunnel was very modern as it was discovered last week. This had wooden beams supported to avoid collapses with lighting and ventilation systems installed within. Mexican military officials agree that such a structure would at least take one year to make, so how did it go undetected for that long?

This has prompted an investigation by the Attorney General's Office of Mexico to find out if local officials were in any way cognizant or codefendants to the construction of the tunnel. 

General Jose Lemus, commander of the military garrison of Ciudad Juarez, said that the research will be directed by uncovering any possible corruption or negligence that permitted the project to be unnoticed so far.

At the same time, the newly found tunnel has increased security efforts on both sides of the border. The region's surveillance has increased significantly, especially before the inauguration of President Donald Trump, which promised to implement strict immigration policies and mass deportation of illegal immigrants within the national boundary.

 The case of this new tunnel becomes yet another proof of the ongoing dilemma both countries are facing in fighting illegal smuggling and border security.